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Our Kids: Welcome

BEN (mentor), DYLAN (mentee), PAISLEY (mentee)

QUESTION: What do you like the most about coming to Bruin Partners?

Paisley: The mentors!

Dylan: The mentors and the food!

Ben: Coming to Bruin Partners is the best part of my week! Dylan and Paisley are always very happy, and have a lot of energy.

QUESTION: How would you describe your relationship with your mentor?

Paisley: Amazing!

Dylan: Like Scooby and Shaggy...

QUESTION: What is a goal you have, and how has Bruin Partners helped you to achieve it?

Paisley: I wanted to finish the year with all A’s, and last year I actually did it!

Dylan: I want to go to UCLA, and Ben is a great source of information and tells me a lot.

Ben: I’m looking to become a middle school history teacher someday, so this is great way to start the process.

QUESTION: Tell us about a memorable moment you've had in Bruin Partners this year.

Paisley: Going to Disneyland!

Dylan: Same, I had fun on the Buzz Lightyear ride.

Ben: Two weeks ago, Dylan said he enjoyed doing math. Dylan despises math, but he was crushing the problems!

QUESTION: How would you describe your relationship with other mentors?

Ben: I love everyone in Bruin Partners. I think we are all great people and we make up for each other’s strengths and weaknesses!


QUESTION: Would you rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers?

Paisley: I’d rather have fingers for toes because I could grab things with my feet.

Dylan: Fingers for toes so I can walk on walls!

Ben: Fingers for toes, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to write or type...

Our Kids: Welcome

PETER (mentor), JORDAN (mentee)

QUESTION: What is your favorite part about Bruin Partners?

Jordan: They provide great snacks!

QUESTION: How would you describe your relationship with your mentor/mentee?

Jordan: He always shows up on time and allows me to work on things I enjoy. He is good at listening to my ideas and stories.

Peter: Jordan has an interesting personality. It tests my patience in a good way - a positive challenge where I have to put effort in.

QUESTION: Why did you join Bruin Partners?

Peter: I wanted to volunteer with kids because I find it fun and interesting - I enjoy working with kids.

QUESTION: Describe your relationship with other mentors.

Peter: They are all friendly and approachable. We have a fun time in the car rides to and from site!

QUESTION: Tell us about a memorable moment you’ve had in Bruin Partners.

Peter: Jordan actually was able to sit down and work on 3 pages of math. We both learned a lot and gained new knowledge.

Jordan: I like playing football with Peter!

QUESTION: What is a goal you have, and how has Bruin Partners helped you to achieve it?

Jordan: I want to be a football player that does business. I like how Bruin Partners helps me improve my math so I can make money.

QUESTION: What is your favorite YouTube video?

Jordan: Corey Kenshin

Peter: 360 Jeezy

308 Westwood Plaza
Rm. 408 Kerckhoff Hall
Los Angeles, 90024

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